Friday, August 15, 2014

Ravinder Tulsiani: All You Need To Know About Business Leadership

Attributes to great leadership is already within all of us, what we need to do is identify these key characteristics and hone in on them. Here are some basic tips to help you become a great leader.


Say thank you to your employees. Many studies have been done on the power of a thanks given from a manager to his or her employees. It increases productivity, often by a lot. Just a little graciousness really can help extend your power as a leader, so be active about it.


Learn how to delegate and focus on supporting your employees. Work on being inspiring and encourage those around you. Instead of micro-managing, work on getting the most out of your team's potential by delegating and empowering your people. Tell them what to do, rather than how to do it. Then, get out of their way and let them do it.


Tenacity is an important quality in a good leader. When you have things that go wrong, your team will look to see how you react. You have to focus on the goals despite all of the obstacles. Your persistence will give the group all they need to become motivated.


Give people reasons to trust you. As a leader, it's important that you are trusted. When that happens, people are more likely to follow you and to do what you ask of them. Make sure you keep your word, and say what you truly think. People will respect you, trust you and follow you.


Being a leader means taking action. It doesn't matter how many good ideas you have if all they ever do is take up space in your head. Develop a plan and put your idea into action. Focus on the outcome you would like to achieve and focus your energy on making it happen.


Give incentives for well done work. Sure, everyone is getting paid, but an incentive can be a great motivational tool. When employees exceed expectations, make sure you offer praise and a reward. Top leaders don't penny pinch on this.


Real leaders are willing to learn. Many great leadership skills don't just occur from a sudden flash of insight or a great epiphany. Great ideas can come to anybody, but good leaders study. Try reading some books on how to be a good leader, going to seminars, and talking to colleagues to see what works best for them. It can take a long time, but the more knowledge you have about proper leadership skills, the better yours can become.

Adopt an eternal attitude of learning. While this article has great tips in it, there's always something more to learn. Business changes and evolves and you need to keep up with it. Always be reading books, newspapers and blogs. If possible, attend classes and workshops. Those are chances to learn and network.


Good leaders hire good people to work for them. If you refuse to hire individuals that you fear may become competition, you undermine your own chances for success. Search out people who are as passionate about your industry as you are and encourage their problem solving abilities and reward their successes.


If you are the leader of a business, you should never let your personal opinions get in the way of how you do business. For example, never pass somebody up for a promotion simply because you do not like them. If they deserve to advance, you should set your feelings aside and make it happen.

Leadership is not only something each person is born with but skills that must be attained and skills that must be honed. You don't want to ever think that you have it all down. Instead, practice what has been given to you, and always look for other things that can help you.


Check out my book: "Your Leadership Edge". It's an innovative step-by-step leadership training program that will help you develop a highly engaged and super-charged workforce... in stores this fall. Pre-order your copy today to get exclusive bonuses at

Author Information:

Ravinder Tulsiani has over a decade of experience in training and management development. Tulsiani’s expertise has been cited and sought out on a number of major networks, such as CNN, The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg and FOX. Tulsiani teaches leadership at his own consulting firm, Training EDGE. Effective Leadership, Manager’s Guide to Workplace and Safety, and Time Management in the Workplace are all books also penned by Ravinder Tulsiani.

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